Tips and Tricks

ETL vs ELT: Key Differences, Comparison

As data becomes increasingly intertwined with every facet of operations, decision-making, and strategy, choosing the right method to process and integrate that data has never been more critical. Two of the most prominent methodologies in this realm are ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform). While both approaches are designed to move data from source systems to data warehouses, their strategies and sequences differ, leading to distinct advantages, challenges, and use cases. This article delves into the intricacies of ETL and ELT, highlighting their key differences, and providing a comprehensive comparison to guide businesses in selecting the approach that best aligns with their unique needs.

What is ELT?

ELT stands for Extract, Load, Transform. It is a data integration process that emphasizes the sequence of operations when preparing and transferring data for analytical purposes, mainly within modern data warehouses. Contrary to traditional ETL processes where data is transformed before loading it into a data warehouse, ELT focuses on first loading the raw data into the system and then conducting transformation operations.

Main Components:

  1. Extract
    The initial step involves pulling data from various source systems. This could include databases, CRM systems, weblogs, and more. The primary goal is to capture a comprehensive set of data that can provide valuable insights when analyzed.
  2. Load
    The extracted data is then directly loaded into the data warehousing environment. It’s worth noting that, at this stage, the data remains in its raw or unprocessed state, which can sometimes be large and unwieldy.
  3. Transform
    Once the data is loaded into the data warehouse, it’s then transformed into a structured format suitable for analysis. This could involve operations like cleaning, filtering, aggregating, enriching, and reformatting. The advantage of this post-load transformation is that it utilizes the processing power of modern data warehousing platforms, which are often designed to handle such tasks efficiently.

Key Differences between ETL and ELT

The differences between ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) methodologies revolve around the architecture, performance, adaptability, and efficiency of data integration and preparation. Let’s dissect these differences in detail:

  • Architecture & Workflow

ETL: ETL requires an intermediary processing system or tool where the transformation of the data occurs. Data is first extracted from its source system, then transformed (cleaned, enriched, aggregated) outside the target environment, and finally loaded into the data warehouse. This three-step process often necessitates a robust transformation engine separate from the destination database.

ELT: ELT flips the transformation and loading steps. Here, raw data is directly loaded into the data warehouse. The transformation then takes place within the warehouse itself, harnessing the warehouse’s inherent processing capabilities.

  • Performance & Scalability

ETL: As transformation occurs externally, the performance largely hinges on the capabilities of the ETL tool and the server it runs on. If the volume of data grows significantly, the ETL infrastructure might require substantial upgrades or modifications to handle the surge.

ELT: Given that transformation takes place within the data warehouse, ELT can directly benefit from the scalable resources of modern cloud-based data warehousing platforms. As data volumes increase, many of these platforms can dynamically allocate more resources to maintain performance.

  • Flexibility & Adaptability

ETL: The transformation logic is generally predefined. If business requirements change or new data sources are introduced, transformation logic might need extensive modifications, which can be resource-intensive.

ELT: Since raw data is stored in the warehouse, transformations can be adjusted or entirely redefined as needed without having to re-extract or re-load the original data. This offers better agility in responding to evolving business needs.

  • Efficiency & Cost

ETL: Costs can escalate with increasing data volumes, especially if the ETL tool charges based on data volume or if hardware upgrades are needed. Additionally, the time taken to process vast amounts of data outside the warehouse can lead to latency.

ELT: Leveraging the processing power of modern data warehouses can be more cost-efficient, especially with cloud platforms operating on pay-as-you-go or similar models. The direct load and transform model can also lead to quicker turnaround times for data preparation.

Learn ETL in 5 Minutes

Data Warehousing Environment Compatibility

ETL: Traditionally preferred for older, on-premises data warehouses that might not have the processing capability to handle large-scale transformations efficiently.

ELT: Increasingly favored for modern, cloud-based data warehousing solutions like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery. These platforms are built with robust processing capabilities, making them apt for in-house data transformation.

Comparison Aspect          ETLELT
Architecture & WorkflowPerformance & ScalabilityFlexibility & AdaptabilityEfficiency & CostEnvironment CompatibilityExtract -> Transform (external) -> Load
 – Dependent on ETL tool & server resources- Predefined transformations; might need changes – Possible higher costs with data volume increase- Suited for traditional on-premises warehouses
Extract -> Load -> Transform (within warehouse)

– Harnesses scalable resources of data warehouses- Adjust transformations without re-loading data- Often more cost-efficient with modern cloud solutions | Preferred for cloud-based data warehousing platforms

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s delve deeper into the advantages and disadvantages of both ETL and ELT methodologies.

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)


  1. Mature Tools: ETL has been around for a longer time, which means there’s a plethora of mature tools available with extensive documentation, community support, and features.
  2. Control over Transformation: Transformations occur before loading, which allows for thorough data cleansing, ensuring that only refined data makes its way to the data warehouse.
  3. Reduced Load on the Warehouse: Since transformations occur outside the data warehouse, there’s no additional computational load on the warehouse itself during the transformation phase.
  4. Familiarity: Many organizations are already familiar with ETL processes and might have dedicated teams and infrastructure set up for it.


  1. Latency: Since data is transformed before being loaded, there can be some delay (latency) in making the data available for analysis.
  2. Scalability Challenges: As data volumes grow, the infrastructure (like ETL servers) might need significant upgrades, leading to increased costs and complexity.
  3. Inflexibility: Predefined transformation logic can be hard to modify if business needs change, leading to longer adaptation times.

ELT (Extract, Load, Transform)


  1. Scalability: ELT, especially when used with modern cloud data warehouses, can easily scale to handle larger data volumes, taking advantage of the warehouse’s inherent scalability.
  2. Flexibility: With raw data stored in the warehouse, transformations can be modified or redefined as needed without re-extracting or re-loading the data.
  3. Speed: Directly loading data into the warehouse and then transforming can lead to faster data preparation and availability for analysis.
  4. Optimized for Cloud Warehouses: Platforms like Snowflake, BigQuery, and Redshift are designed to handle extensive transformations efficiently, making them apt for ELT.


  1. Potential Warehouse Strain: Large-scale transformations within the warehouse can strain its resources, especially if not managed efficiently.
  2. Raw Data Management: Loading unprocessed data means the warehouse needs to manage and store more extensive, raw datasets, which might not always be optimal.
  3. Complexity: Transforming data within the data warehouse might require advanced SQL skills or specialized knowledge, especially for intricate transformation logic.

In summary, both ETL and ELT have their respective strengths and challenges. The choice between them should be guided by the specific needs of the organization, the nature of the data, the architecture of the data storage and processing environment, and the desired outcomes.

Deciding Between ETL and ELT

When deciding between ETL and ELT, consider several key factors:

  • Data Volume and Scalability: ETL is often best for environments with static and predictable data volumes, while ELT is more suited for scenarios anticipating data growth, especially when using cloud data warehouses.
  • Complexity of Transformations: ETL shines when data needs significant cleansing and transformation before storage. In contrast, ELT is beneficial when transformations are simpler or when there’s an advantage to retaining raw data.
  • Infrastructure and Costs: ETL often demands investment in specialized tools, and costs can rise with growing data. ELT, leveraging modern data warehouses, can be more cost-efficient in consolidating processes.
  • Real-time Data Access: ETL might introduce some latency due to its pre-loading transformation, making it less ideal for real-time data needs. ELT, with its post-loading transformation, often provides faster data access.
  • Skills and Expertise: Organizations already skilled in ETL processes might find it easier to continue in that direction. However, those familiar with, or transitioning to, modern data warehousing platforms might lean towards ELT.
  • Data Storage Strategy: With ETL, only the transformed data is stored, potentially minimizing storage requirements. ELT aligns with strategies preferring raw data storage, offering more flexibility for future transformations.
  • Flexibility for the Future: ETL might require more extensive modifications when transformation needs change, whereas ELT, with its in-warehouse transformation, can be more adaptable to evolving business requirements.

The choice between ETL and ELT should align with an organization’s infrastructure, data strategy, and future goals. It’s also wise to periodically revisit this decision as technology and needs evolve.


The data integration landscape has evolved over the years, with ETL and ELT emerging as primary methodologies guiding how data is ingested and transformed in organizational ecosystems. ETL, being a more traditional approach, offers refined data control and is rooted in established practices. ELT, on the other hand, leverages modern cloud data warehousing capabilities, providing scalability and flexibility, especially for rapidly growing data volumes.

The decision between these two is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on an organization’s data volume, the complexity of transformations, infrastructure, real-time data needs, existing expertise, storage strategies, and adaptability desires.

As businesses become more data-driven, it’s crucial to periodically re-evaluate data integration strategies, ensuring they remain aligned with evolving technological landscapes and business objectives. The crux is to find a balance that not only serves present needs but also positions the organization favorably for future data challenges and opportunities.