Tips and Tricks

Complete Guide: How to Become a Data Engineer in 2023

Data engineering is a discipline that focuses on creating and maintaining the infrastructure and systems required to effectively handle and analyze massive amounts of data.

Nowadays everyone is curious about How to be a Data Engineer in a limited period. But being a certified Data Engineer is not that easy. Data integration, data transformation, data storage, and data retrieval are only a few examples of the technical components of data management that are covered.

It is possible to become a data engineer even without a degree, and this article will cover several essential processes, competencies, and tools required for the journey.

Becoming a data engineer requires various essential things and skills. It involves practicing coding, acquiring knowledge of programming languages, and adopting good coding practices.

How to become a data engineer?

How to Become a Data Engineer with ZERO Experience: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

1) Laying a Foundation

As a data engineer, you need to have a thorough grasp of the fundamentals of Data Engineering. First and foremost, it is crucial to become proficient in maths and statistics and justify the ask like how to become a data engineer.

Since they serve as the foundation for data analysis and modeling, pay particular attention to subjects like algebra, calculus, probability, and linear algebra. Second, learn the principles of computer science, such as data structures, algorithms, and complexity analysis.

You can efficiently process and work with massive datasets using this expertise. Developing good programming abilities in languages like Python, Java, or Scala is essential as they are commonly used in data engineering.

2) Learning SQL and Database systems

Before we answer how to become a data engineer, learning SQL and database systems is essential for efficient data management and querying. Recognize ideas like database optimization, normalization, indexing, and data modeling.

Learning Fundamentals

Start with comprehending the fundamental ideas of relational databases, including tables, columns, and rows.

Learn about the connections between tables, primary keys, and foreign keys. In order to obtain, add, edit, and remove data from databases, you must first get familiar with the SQL syntax, which includes commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and remove.

Practice SQL queries

Practice creating straightforward SQL queries that use the SELECT statement combined with conditions, sorting, and result limiting to extract data from a single table.

To successfully filter and alter data, familiarize yourself with the different operators available, such as comparison and logical operators.

Learning join types

Once you are at ease with single-table queries, go on to more complex subjects like joins, which aggregate data from numerous tables.

Understand how to express join criteria and become familiar with various join types, such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and RIGHT JOIN.

Practice complicated queries

Write complicated queries that include subqueries, aggregate functions (like SUM, AVG, and COUNT), and data grouping with the GROUP BY clause to improve your knowledge.

Additionally, learn how to manage and alter database data by using operations like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands.

To practice and solidify your knowledge, make use of online tools, tutorials, and interactive SQL platforms. Gain practical experience by working with sample datasets or problems from the real world.

As there may be some differences in syntax and functionality, it is also advantageous to research and comprehend the specific SQL dialect used by the database management system (DBMS) you are using.


Finally, get hands-on practice with any SQL developer or Snowflake along with a 30-day free trial to work on more complex subjects including stored procedures, views, and database management duties.

Participating in SQL-related forums and groups can offer present chances to pick up knowledge from others and get perceptions into best practices.

You may develop a strong foundation in SQL and operate comfortably with relational databases to effectively obtain, process, and manage data by following this organized strategy and allocating regular practice time.

3) Data Engineering Tools and Technologies

The main mantra to be successful is mastering data engineering tools and technologies in this field.

  • Big data processing and analysis may be done using the Hadoop platform. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for distributed storage and Apache MapReduce for parallel processing are two tools you should become familiar with.
  • Learn about relevant technologies like Apache Hive for data summing and querying, Apache Pig for data modification, and Apache Spark for quick data processing and analytics.
  • Scalable and affordable options for data engineering are provided by cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Develop your skills in cloud-based services such as Amazon S3 for storage, Amazon Redshift or Azure Synapse Analytics for data warehousing, AWS Glue or Azure Data Factory for data integration and ETL procedures, and AWS Kinesis Data Streams/Firehose for streaming data.
  • It is crucial to be proficient with both SQL and NoSQL databases to comply with the ask as to how to become a data engineer. For storing structured data, many people utilize SQL databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle.
  • Acquire knowledge of schema design, effective query writing, and performance enhancement. Investigate NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Apache Cassandra as well, as they can handle unstructured and semi-structured data.
  • The process of acquiring data from many sources and translating it into a usable format is made simpler by data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) technologies.
  • Learn about technologies like Talend or Informatica for ETL operations, Apache NiFi for data integration, and real-time data streaming, as well as solutions like Apache Kafka and Apache NiFi.
  • You may manage and automate end-to-end data workflows with the aid of data pipeline orchestration technologies. Tools like Apache Airflow and Apache Oozie are frequently used for planning, controlling, and watching intricate data pipelines.
  • how to set up processes, plan activities, and manage dependencies.
  • For delivering insights and reports to stakeholders, proficiency with data visualization and business intelligence (BI) technologies is crucial.
  • Making aesthetically appealing dashboards and interactive visualizations is made possible by tools like Tableau, Power BI, or QlikView, which facilitate data-driven decision-making.
  • We may also focus on Python for data engineering aspects, as it is a very powerful programming language to interact with different cloud platforms like AWS, Azure Data Factory, or Google Cloud Platform.
  • Data engineering requires strong programming abilities. Due to the abundance of data processing and analysis modules available in Python (such as Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy), the language is frequently utilized in the industry.
  • Furthermore, having knowledge of Java or Scala is advantageous, particularly when dealing with Apache Spark or Hadoop.
  • Strong programming skills are needed for data engineering. Python is widely used in the business because of how many data processing and analysis modules are available in it (including Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy).
  • Additionally, understanding Java or Scala is helpful, especially when working with Apache Spark or Hadoop.

4) Gaining Hands-on Experience

Gaining hands-on experience is crucial for answering the most researched topic on how to become a data engineer. We will investigate some data engineering course paths to be able to gain enough knowledge in this field.

Work on projects using personal data engineering to put your knowledge and abilities to use.

Create end-to-end data pipelines to process and analyze datasets or real-world issues that interest you. You may practice data extraction, transformation, loading, and storage using a variety of tools and technologies in this way.

Participate in data engineering open-source projects.

Join GitHub groups or repositories that are devoted to database systems, data integration tools, or frameworks for processing data. You receive practical experience while working with knowledgeable experts in the subject whether you contribute code, documentation, or bug solutions.

Look for data engineer internships or apprenticeship opportunities at businesses where you may collaborate with seasoned data engineers.

This enables you to participate in actual projects while being guided by experts, acquire real-world experience, and learn industry best practices. Additionally, internships offer beneficial networking chances.

Associated with experts working on data-driven initiatives, such as data scientists, analysts, etc.

By working in cross-functional teams, you can contribute to the project’s data engineering components and gain exposure to various viewpoints and methodologies.

You gain a better understanding of the entire data lifecycle through this collaborative experience, which also improves your capacity to collaborate with others.

5) Ensure that your expertise is used in real-world tasks

Learn new things from them constantly, and ask for feedback to advance your abilities. You will develop your skills as a data engineer by actively participating in hands-on experiences, and you will gain more self-assurance while taking on challenging data engineering tasks.

6) Professional Development

Professional development is crucial for data engineers to keep current with changing technology and industry trends, expand their skill sets, and succeed in their careers.

The idea of lifelong learning is one that data engineers should embrace. Follow the most recent developments in data engineering in terms of tools, technologies, and techniques. To learn about new developments and trends in the field, keep up with industry blogs, webinars, communities for data engineers, conferences, and seminars.

As an individual, we must also focus on data engineer certification to be known as project-ready.

Certifications will focus on your skills and make a statement about your credibility over the subject. Most employers look for certified data engineers for their organization as it adds value to their footprint in the industry.

Consider taking online data engineering classes and pursuing credentials.

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX provide organized learning routes and practical activities for their courses on a variety of data engineering subjects.

You can authenticate your knowledge and demonstrate your commitment to professional development by obtaining the necessary certifications.

Keep up with cutting-edge cloud-based programs like AWS Glue or Azure Data Factory, as well as well-known frameworks like Apache Spark, Hadoop, and others.

The discipline of data engineering is quickly growing, and new tools and technologies are always being developed. Use new tools and frameworks frequently in your personal projects to develop experience.

Strong leadership and communication abilities are important for data engineers to acquire.

Successful project delivery depends on having effective communication with the team, stakeholders, and management. The discipline of data engineering may offer opportunities for management or senior positions by strengthening one’s leadership skills.

Continual professional growth is something to keep in mind.

Spend time and energy consistently improving your knowledge, picking up new abilities, and adjusting to the needs of a changing market. You may keep ahead in the field of data engineering and open new job options by proactively pursuing professional development opportunities.

Role and Responsibilities of a Data Engineer

Data engineers are responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining the systems and infrastructure that allow businesses to efficiently handle and analyze huge amounts of data. For the purpose of extracting, transforming, and loading data from diverse sources into storage systems, data engineers create data pipelines.

It is necessary to handle and analyze data in a large-scale manner, they utilize big data frameworks like Hadoop and Spark rather than being concerned about how to become a data engineer. Ensuring data integrity, availability, and performance, data engineers also design and oversee the management of data warehouses.

They work together with data scientists and analysts to comprehend the needs for data and give them access to the infrastructure and tools required for data exploration and analysis.

Using techniques for data validation and cleaning, the monitoring of data pipelines, and database performance optimization, data engineers play a crucial part in maintaining data quality and governance.

You must continually enhance data processing skills and allow organizations to gain useful insights from their data, you have to remain up to speed with the most recent technologies and trends in the field of data engineering.

In general, data engineers play a key role in creating the framework for successful data-driven decision-making within organizations.

Why become a Data Engineer?

There is a big need for qualified individuals in the sector of data engineering, which is continually expanding.

  • The demand for data engineers who can develop and execute reliable data infrastructure and processing systems is rising as businesses depend more on data-driven decision-making. Due to this demand, there are numerous employment openings and potential for professional advancement.
  • Intriguing and thought-provoking problems are presented by data engineering. Data integration, translation, storage, and processing challenges are difficult, and data engineers work on them.
  • Their work involves managing enormous amounts of data and putting effective data pipelines into place while working on large-scale initiatives. Because the sector is dynamic and always changing, the job is exciting and there are possibilities for ongoing learning.
  • Across several sectors, data engineering has a significant impact. Every industry needs data engineers to manage and handle its data efficiently, from banking and healthcare to e-commerce and entertainment.
  • Because of their adaptability, data engineers may work in a variety of fields and help to address problems unique to their respective industries.
  • Data is the focal point in every aspect of human existence in today’s rapidly expanding global environment. Every area, from health and illness data to shopping data, needs data engineering to properly analyze and forecast business patterns, identify diseases, provide intelligent restaurant recommendations, or visualize the nature of the company across geographies.
  • Effective data preparation is required prior to analysis in order to undertake data cleansing, data modulation, transformation according to business use cases, and finally on-point analytical insights to make data defensible.

Overall, choosing to become a data engineer may lead to a profession that is really satisfying. It combines technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and the potential to have a big effect in a data-driven world.

Data engineering provides a rewarding and successful professional path due to its high demand, intriguing challenges, and multiple job options.

Available jobs as a Data Engineer

As businesses continue to prioritize data-driven decision-making and make substantial investments in data infrastructure, the demand for talented data engineers is anticipated to increase.

1) IT firms

Working for IT firms is one of the primary employment prospects for data engineers. The management and optimization of their data infrastructure are frequently handled by specialized data engineering teams at IT behemoths like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft.

These positions entail creating scalable data pipelines, putting data processing frameworks into place, and assuring the integrity and quality of the data.

2) Marketing and sales strategies

Data engineers might find rewarding employment possibilities with e-commerce and retail businesses. These sectors largely rely on data engineering to process and analyze consumer behavior, inventory management, and supply chain optimization due to the advent of online shopping and the growing significance of customer analytics.

Building data infrastructure, integrating various data sources, and creating data models for individualized marketing and sales strategies are all tasks performed by data engineers in this field.

3) Pharmaceutical and healthcare industries

Data engineers now have more chances as the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries quickly adopt data-driven strategies. They are essential in creating the frameworks for clinical trials, electronic health records, and other systems for organizing and analyzing healthcare data.

When working on projects involving patient outcomes analysis, medication discovery, and predictive modeling, data engineers in this industry must ensure data security and privacy.

4) Banking and financial industries

The banking and financial industries offer data engineers even another career path. Financial organizations produce large volumes of data from a variety of sources, including transactions, client profiles, and market data.

To support crucial operations like risk management, fraud detection, and compliance reporting, data engineers in this sector create and maintain data pipelines. They also work on initiatives requiring business intelligence and data warehousing.

So, this should answer your curiosity about how to become a data engineer as there are many opportunities to excel in this field.

Salary and Career Path of Data Engineer

Data engineers’ earning potential increases considerably as they gain knowledge and experience. Since there is such a great demand for data engineers’ specialized talents, salaries for this profession are quite competitive.

Depending on experience, region, sector, and firm size, data engineer salary may change. Data engineers do, however, often receive competitive pay. Starting salaries for entry-level data engineers are generally between $60,000 and $90,000 annually, depending on the organization and the area.

With many years of expertise, mid-level data engineers may expect to make between $90,000 and $130,000 annually. Senior data engineers may make more than $150,000 a year if they have advanced skills and leadership qualities. Additionally, incentives, stock options, and other benefits are frequently available to data engineers, which increases their overall salary.

Data engineering provides options for growth and advancement in terms of professional paths. Data engineers can advance via a variety of levels, beginning as junior or associate data engineers and continuing up to mid-level and senior roles.

In the field of data engineering, they can also take on more specialized positions like data architect or data engineering manager as they gain expertise. The opportunity for professional growth and certifications is also available to data engineers. The achievement of certifications in pertinent technologies and processes, such as Apache Hadoop, Spark, or AWS (Amazon Web Services), can improve career chances and open doors to higher-paying employment possibilities.

During the career of a Data Engineer, the individual can gain enough experience and reach the level to become a Data Architect to be able to design, solve, and relate to real-world business cases. From creating data pipelines to providing valuable insights to the client, the Data Architect is the topmost role of a Data engineering lifecycle.

Be a Data Engineer or …?

Data engineers are critical in the design and maintenance of data infrastructure, allowing organizations to make data-driven choices and obtain insights from massive amounts of data. The field provides significant opportunities for advancement, allowing individuals to go through various levels and explore specialized professions.

It is a personal decision that depends on one’s interests, abilities, and professional objectives whether to pursue a career as a data engineer. However, it is obvious that data engineering offers a promising career path when considering the rising need for data engineers, appealing incomes, and a variety of work prospects.

While working as a data engineer can be gratifying, it is crucial to consider the ongoing learning and skill development necessary to be competitive in this fast-changing sector.

Ultimately, answering how to become a data engineer necessitates a thorough assessment of one’s interests, ability to deal with data, and long-term professional goals.